A Ph.D. in Manga? A Masters degree in Comics?

If you know the difference from your shõnen and seinen manga, have been drawing your own yonkoma strips, and can predict the outcome in shõjo manga; then this might be for you. Kyoto Seika University are offering students the opportunity to study for Japan’s first Ph.D. in Manga.

Kyoto University already have Manga and Anime programs, and even began a Master’s degree course in Manga last year. The Ph.D. course will delve into contemporary comics culture, and aims to train students with knowledge and research capabilities. The successful graduates are expected to become researchers, professors, or manga artists, using what they’ve learnt to help guide the next generation. The Manga department will take on a maximum of 12 students and will accept applicants from January next year, with admission tests in February. For more details, click here.

If Japan is a little too far for you, then the University of Dundee is offering the UK’s first Masters degree in Comic Studies. With the option to study one-year full time or two-years part-time, students on the course will be required to, “develop an understanding of comics in the context of theory, politics and history.” Their press release explains that, “from September, graduates will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of the comics medium and the comics industry, and their relation to different genres, cultures, and media.” If you’re interested then click here to find out more.

Sources: Anime News Network | University of Dundee Press Release

Originally published on MCM Buzz on 14 June 2011.

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