Nostalgic Sony PlayStation video chronicles PS1 to PS4

With the arrival of the PS4 just a month away, PlayStation Europe has released a nostalgic short video showing how they’ve been a part of history for gamers since the launch of the original Sony PlayStation back in 1995.

Titled, 4ThePlayers since 1995, the short begins with a teenager firing up his PS1 to play a game of Tekken with his best friend. It continues with a seamless one-take shot around the bedroom (kicking into widescreen after the one minute mark with the advent of the PS2) and spans over an 18 year time period, concluding with a game of Killzone Shadow Fall on the PS4.

Inspired by the hashtag #playstationmemories which began trending earlier in the year, almost everyone has experienced gaming on a Sony PlayStation console in some form, so gamers are sure to find something they can relate to in the short.

Also, if you can forgive the fact that the two lead characters (Daniel and Robbie) don’t really age and that Daniel’s been in the same room for 18 years, there are a lot of neat little references to some of Sony’s back catalogue hidden in here (he has a Vic Ribbon poster on his wall?), which makes this worth watching more than just the once. How many can you spot?

The Sony PlayStation 4 is released across Europe on 29 November.

Originally published on MCM Buzz on 21 October 2013.

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