Abi☆Pop on Dance, Cosplay and Cupcakes

Describing herself as an aspiring idol, Abi☆Pop (アビー☆ポップ) is a cosplayer, a performer and a self-confessed cupcake addict (strawberry cupcakes are her favourite). “You will never see me not wearing something super cute, like a pair of white nekomimi or a sailor fuku,” said Abi, who after finding out about idols/net idols began uploading her own dance covers of popular J-pop and anime themes on YouTube and NicoNicoDouga. She has since achieved over a million views on YouTube and even had a few of her videos appear on Nihon TV’s Zip in Japan.

Entering the world of cosplay in 2010, Abi has attended conventions around the UK, including the London MCM Expo Comic Con (obviously!). Having already achieved one of her dreams of becoming a maid in a maid café in the UK she hopes to one day make it as an idol performing on stage, citing Akihabara in Japan as “the place I want to perform the most.” From interviewing Abi, she talked about how she got into doing dance covers, cosplaying (including her most difficult cosplay) and the best cupcake she’s ever had.

Q: For anyone who has no idea who Abi☆Pop is, how would you describe yourself?
: I’m an aspiring idol, cosplayer, performer (J-pop/anime dancer) and a cupcake addict. I’m very hyper, friendly and love to make people smile and have fun by spreading magical moe power to the world! Drawing is one of my favourite hobbies to do alongside dancing and practicing to sing. I hope to get some Japanese and singing lessons to be able to apply to perform places. I have been working extra hard to make my videos fun to watch and even came up with catchphrases (“KissKiss CHU~” and “100%~~~~~~LOVE”). My favourite colour is baby pink. I love strawberry cupcakes, and cupcakes in general, and can’t stop baking and decorating them! One of my favourite meals is Chicken Katsu Curry and Yakisoba!

Q: You seem to dabble in a little bit of everything, with dance videos, make-up tutorials and cosplaying. Is there any particular one you enjoy the most?
Abi☆Pop: Dancing and singing has always been a passion of mine from a very young age. I did get tired of it when I was about 13 -14 years old, but I soon got back into it when I discovered anime and idols! I used to make videos with my friends, lip-syncing to songs. So making dancing and singing videos are the things I enjoy the most!

Q: What was the motivation that made you decide to dance to J-pop and anime covers? A number of net idols have made the move from dancing to singing. Is there anything musical related in the works?
Abi☆Pop: My friend wanted me to learn the Hare Hare Yukai dance for the London MCM Expo Comic Con a couple of years ago! When I was searching for videos to learn the dance from I discovered lots of girls just like me uploading lots of dances from anime, games and J-pop songs to YouTube! I wanted to do this, so in 2010 I uploaded my first dance. When you discover more and more about idols you realise that the ones who dance… also sing! Many girls realise to be an aidoru you have to sing too! Singing in Japanese is so much fun! Many people enjoy this, hehe!

Q: Which video would you say is the one you’re most proud of? Similarly, what’s been your proudest moment?
Abi☆Pop: I would say my Toluthin Antenna (lllトゥルティンアンテナlll) dance cover. I really liked how much energy I put into it and I love the editing I did on it too! I think being featured on Japanese TV [more than] three times for my videos really made me smile. I felt so happy, such a massive achievement for me! Also seeing Kyary Pamyu Pamyu live was such a big moment for me!

Q: Are there any dancers on YouTube that you really look up to? Also, is there anyone you subscribe to whose videos you always watch no matter what?
Abi☆Pop: Aikawa Kozue! She is probably one of the most watched dancers on YouTube and NicoNico. I look up to her because from posting videos she worked her way up to being an idol and being in the dance group Danceroid. So good… her energy is so, so good and her videos are always so fun to watch. I would say I know more about Akiba idols than YouTube dancers! I have to watch the videos of my friends xiaorishu and KimonoTime because they are so funny and amazing to watch!

Q: How did the interest in cosplay start?
: From a young age I’ve always loved dressing up and role-playing characters, so when my brother told me about comic cons I just really wanted to go to one with all my heart. Finally in the year 2010 I went to London MCM Expo as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts 2!

Q: From the costumes you’ve made yourself, which one would you say has been the most challenging?
Abi☆Pop: I think my Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – PONPONPON cosplay was the most challenging one to do. Making the shirt was hard for me as my body is short and curvy. I’ve never made a t-shirt top made of two different fabrics that was fitted! But with how the ribbons at the front worked it all fitted great; I was so proud, hehe! I really enjoyed making the eyeball transfers for the puffy shorts, but cutting them out was very time consuming.

Q: Do you set yourself a budget for a cosplay or do you spend till satisfied?
Abi☆Pop: I’m one of those people who saves the whole year [so I can] afford to make my cosplay as accurate as I can. I just love cosplay that much!

Q: If money were no object, who would you most like to cosplay?
Abi☆Pop: Eee! I would attempt to cosplay every character that I love, hehe! I couldn’t choose a single character, but I really do want to cosplay Yayoi Takatsuki from THE iDOLM@STER and Rin Kokonoe from Kodomo no Jikan. They are so, so cute! But if I had the money I would attempt characters with armour and big weapons, like Princess Zelda and Midna (from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess).

Q: There’s a video where you do a room tour and there’s all this cool stuff, such as your randoseru, a bag from Angelic Pretty, figures and plushies! Now, you’ll probably hate me for asking this, but if there should ever be a fire in your room, God forbid, what would be the first thing you would attempt to rescue?
Abi☆Pop: Oh my goodness! That is probably my worst fear! I would fill up my randoseru with my cameras and external hard-drive, then I’d get my duvet and wrap as many things as I could in it, like figures and things and drop it out my big window! Get my laptop in my hand and some cosplays out the window and… ahhh… so many things! Can I cast a magical spell to make my room fire proof? Haha!

Q: You’ve performed on the Totally Cosplay stage at the London MCM Expo Comic Con before and were last there as Cure Melody from Pretty Cure. Are you looking to enter more masquerades or do more performances at future MCM events?
Abi☆Pop: Yes! I love entering the masquerades! They are so much fun! But I feel my cosplays aren’t good enough yet, so I want to make them the best I can. I want to perform on the stage one year too, sing and dance for everyone, give out prizes! I hope people will support me in this. I haven’t got anything planned but I will be dancing around the Expo, as I do, hehe! Chu~!

Q: Given your numerous videos and what you’ve managed to achieve so far, do you ever look back over some and wish you had done something differently?
Abi☆Pop: I wish I had my full fringe put in a long time ago! Because I feel more confident with it in! I also wish I had the chance to learn Japanese from a younger age so I could use it in my videos more (sighs), but I won’t give up. I will go and find some lessons when I can afford to. I think that and uploading more regularly would help!

Q: In your opinion, what is the best cupcake you’ve ever had? Or, the best place to go for cupcakes?
Abi☆Pop: I think the best cupcake I have had is the big strawberry cupcakes my sister made for me on Valentine’s Day! Oh my gosh, they were yummy! Eee… so soft and sweet! The icing tasted like strawberry ice cream! My mouth is watering just thinking about them, hehe!

Thank you to Abi☆Pop for taking the time out for the interview. If you wish to know more about Abi☆Pop then you can view her videos on her YouTube channel and NicoNico Community, or you can visit her Facebook page.

Originally published on MCM Buzz on 3 May 2013.

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