Kyary Pamyu Pamyu releases music video for Oto no Kuni

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has released the music video for her track Oto no Kuni, taken from her fourth album, Japanyu. The video is directed by artist Fatastista Utamaro, known for ultra-pop projects that are vibrant, with explosive colours. The track was written by producer Yasutaka Nakata.

From Natalie, Kyary commented on the work that went into the video describing it as psychedelic and “like a mandala”, where she gets to dress up and perform as three different characters: a warrior, a princess and a worker. Though each costume is somewhat elaborate, fitting with Kyary’s style. Utamaro mentioned that when he received the call to direct, he thought of what to do and came up with the idea of having multiple versions of Kyary.


Kyary also performed the track on Count Down TV Special Premier Live for New Years.

Originally published on MyM Buzz on 2 January 2019.

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