Neurowear unveil Shippo (tail) and Neuro Tagging Map

Following on from the success of Neurowear’s brainwave controlled cat ears, the Necomimi, the company have now unveiled their latest fashionable prototype that utilises brainwaves. Named Shippo, it is a tail that moves depending on your mood.

Showcased at the Tokyo Game Show, a concept video has been released (see below) which demonstrates how it works. If you’re feeling relaxed then the tail will swish slowly. If you happen to be concentrated on something then the tail will start to sway more quickly. But the tail is not the only thing.

Neuro Tagging involves wearing a brain reading sensor that is connected to a smart phone. A neural app will read your mood, with cute cartoony faces visualising how you are feeling. It will then tag your mood and location on a map which can be shared. So if for example you were inside Mr. Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe and the neural app read your mood as ‘excited’ then this would be recorded on a map for other users to see.

In the video we see the wearer of the Shippo concentrated on lovely flowers and a cute guy with a frisbee, both of which causes some rapid tail swinging. From checking her phone she sees that other users found the park to be a happy and relaxing place so she makes her way over there. On the way she encounters a scary dog, which causes her to feel upset; her mood is tagged, conveniently warning others.

Neurowear have described the Shippo and Neuro Tagging as “a trial product” with currently no price or release date. For any cosplayers wanting to take the neko look to the next level, then the Shippo combined with the Necomimi could be just what you’re looking for.

Is the Shippo or Neuro Tagging something you would consider using?

Originally published on MCM Buzz on 21 September 2012.

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