Unleash your inner hero with Elliott’s Fancy Dress

This was originally published on MCM Buzz on 6 June 2014.
We were sent a piece to promote Elliott’s fancy dress. However, editor Stuart Claw didn’t like it. Both of us came up with a different idea; a story of a young boy wanting to dress up as a superhero at a convention. The story outline was sent to Claire Courtney, who produced this comic. The comic was sent to Elliott’s for approval, and they loved it. 


You’re looking at the calendar, counting down the days till the next MCM event, but you haven’t quite finalised your cosplay. The popularity of superheroes provides limitless opportunities for cosplayers and making your own costume would be the way to go.

In our comic strip illustrated by artist Claire Courtney, a young child hopes to achieve this when he asks his parents to make a costume for him. However, it is a skill that takes time, experience and it could cost quite a bit.

Maybe you just don’t want to feel left out at the next convention and might be facing a dilemma similar to the parents in our comic strip. However, it turns out that it is possible to unleash your inner hero with the help of Elliott’s Fancy Dress. It worked for this family!

Elliott’s don’t just do costumes, for you can also refine your cosplay with their range of accessories such as capes, contact lenses, wigs and hats.

Feeling inspired? Visit Elliott’s Fancy Dress.

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