Wesley Snipes teases Blade projects with Marvel

Despite being 14 years since Blade: Trinity, Wesley Snipes has continued to express an interest in wanting to play the role of Blade again. In a recent interview with VICE, it would seem that we might see the Daywalker return soon.

The interview with VICE commemorates 20 years since the release of Blade. When asked about the possibility of Blade 4, Snipes revealed that there are conversations taking place with Marvel on future projects.

“We’ve created two projects that fit perfectly into this world,” said Snipes. “When people see them, I think they’re only going to have a problem with deciding which one they love the most.” These conversations are not a recent development either, as Snipes revealed, “All the main execs [at Marvel] and my team, we’ve been discussing for the past two years. Everyone’s enthusiastic about it, everybody gets it. But they got a business to run and they gotta square the things that they gotta figure out before they can get to it, I guess. In the meantime, we got a business to run and our own slate of things to do so…
But the next time you see something in [the Blade universe], mark my words: what we did before is child’s play compared to what we can do now.”

Snipes does not delve further on what the projects are. They could be movies, or, given the success of Marvel’s Netflix series’, a Blade TV show (there was a short-lived Blade TV series back in 2006). Rather than headlining his own film, there is also the possibility of Blade making a cameo appearance in future films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Blade was the second Marvel film to be released on the big screen, following Howard the Duck. For an R-rated action film based on a comic book, it was a success and helped pave the way for X-Men and Spider-Man. Looking back, Snipes also tells VICE, “Nobody thought that the Blade stuff was gonna pop off in the first place. It was an anomaly.” The film spawned two sequels, with the trilogy earning over $400 million worldwide.

Originally published on MyM Buzz on 30 August 2018.


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